Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tabata Something Else


  1. WODoers: I had a rough day yesterday at oly lifting. Lost a snatch with a 80kg, my nemisis weight, hit the back of my head and bit my lip. There was some pretty good blood but no loss of conscience. I have a pretty good knot on my melon today. I could never get back on track after that, but I did manage one good lift during the day and I got a pr for 77kg in th power snatch. I was afraid to get under the bar the rest of the day. I have some mental issues to work through to move past this multi month plateau.

  2. You are HARDCORE Justin!!! I love it!!! Rarrrrrrr!!! Where's Chas?

  3. Wow this was an ass kicker - of course! Went full tilt every round except first two of pushups. I will admit I stopped a few seconds early on those to pace myself and you can tell how I totally fell apart on pushups like I knew I would.

    Pullups 14,10,8,7,7,7,7,7 67
    Pushups 14,14,15,14,11,10,9,9 96
    Situps 12,10,12,13,12,12,13,12 96
    Squats 18,17,18,16,16,17,15,16 133

    Total: 392 PMFR by 17 reps total.

    Haven't done this since April 2010.

    I have been WOD'ing every other day more often than usual lately because I get so sore lately. My shoulders have been SMOKED lately.

    Today's WOD looks gnarly.


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