Wednesday, October 12, 2011

30 min amrap 400m/10lpu/15wbx/20wsu


  1. WODoers: I think this is a pretty good number to post. As rx'd 5 rounds + 400m + 1Lpu

    This wod is a destructor of mind and body, have fun boys!

  2. 6 rounds + 130M row. RX'd pretty much, minus two 500M rows subbed for runs.

    Nice work Justin. Had my buddy Heath meet me at 6:30 this AM and we banged this one out side by side. Heath is a very strong runner, me... not so much but I did run as hard as I could, hopefully the knee won't swell too much. I ran 4 times and rowed 500M twice (+ last 130M) just to minimize the damage... rowing winded me even more than running and took the exact same amount of time.

    First round 4:10, end of 2nd @8:55 so once I knew that I pushed hard to finish 6 rounds.

    I still feel messed up, kind of nauseous.

  3. As Rx'd: 5 Rounds + 200m

    Tough WOD, nice job fellas.

  4. Hey guys, you miss me? I've been pretty tied up so off the WODs for a while. I made this one up today though. Good one to hit after a break.

    5rds+just made the 400 in under 30mins

    I'll try to get back in the groove this next cycle. Good work all.


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