Monday, October 31, 2011

3rds of pain

Three rounds for time of:
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 L Pull-ups
95 pound Split-jerk, 15 reps
15 Knees to elbows
95 pound Hang clean, 15 reps
15 Back extensions, with 25 pounds


  1. WODoers: I read this last night and tried to figure out how not to do it, then I saw one of my favorite crossfit videos of all time on the main site, "Brandon's Bad Day." That video has special meaning for me because it was one of the things that kept me going when I was a 250# fat piece of poop.

    Anyway, after watching that I decided to crush today's wod. 28:23 as rx'd, and my l-pullups were pretty fucking good too, not gymnast quality but pretty good. I hope somebody in this group can take down that time, but I promise you those jerks and cleans are much harder than their 95# suggest. Good luck boys!

  2. Very nice work sir. I saw this WOD and thought he same thing.. "that is going to suck really really bad!" I am most afraid of the OHS. I will either do this tomorrow or Wednesday. Thanks for the target time.

  3. OK yah... that was H A R D. Lots of wind suck going on. For hang cleans I did full squat cleans cos' that's what you do when it says "clean"!

    This was interesting. In full disclosure, as we must always the the whole truth, I scaled the first two round of OHS to 75 lbs because I was worrying about my lower back. Last round I said "you are a puss Craig" and loaded up the 95 lbs. TT 23:46, then I felt like a puss still, so I rested for 75 seconds with clock still running, and did 15 more OHS @ 95 and finished in 26:09.

    So overall 60 OHS compared to 45, and weight moved in OHS total was 5,100 instead of 4,275 lbs. Now I know my back can handle a bunch of 95 lb OHS and I won't scale them next time. That is, if I can walk tomorrow. The lower back and hammies get abused on this one.

    PS - Chris was afraid to come over and do this with me even though he was 15 minutes away. Something about having to work, having a job, or??

  4. The cleans were def. hard Justin. I banged em out pretty fast cos' it was weird... and this will sound stupid - but my breathing felt better if I just kept going during those. When I put it down and tried to catch my breath in between I couldn't catch it... so strangely, I did 10, then 5, all 3 times. It just felt better.


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