Saturday, October 22, 2011

Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2


  1. Is there any body out there? I will hit this tomorrow as I had oly day yesterday. It was just a high volume day that netted me no prs. Getting a little frustrated with the plateau that I have been on for the last couple of months and need to find a way to beak through.

  2. I'm here guys. I just need to take a few days off to rest my hammie.

    Did this one speed style, so I kept the same weight throughout.


    Later dudes

  3. Messed around on this one. Went with 60 to 75 seconds rest. Worked up to 155x2 the hit single at 165, 175fx3, then back down to 135 for 4 rounds of speed work. Will be breaking in my new pullup bar with hero wod tomorrow am.

  4. I just did 125x2 throughout with 1 minute rests in between. It actually got pretty dang hard at the end. Then I did the KB snatch/pullup WOD about 3 minutes later. Shoulder beat down!


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