Monday, October 3, 2011

HSPUs, CTBs, Weighted Lunges

Five rounds for time of:
6 Handstand push-ups
12 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
24 Weighted walking lunges, 35 pound dumbbells


  1. Playing catch up. Made up the games chipper this morning, felt 85%... golfing with dad for his birthday tomorrow morning, so might do this one and do the HERO WOD's (Joshie and Carse) after that. If I do those before golf, I won't be able to golf!

  2. Fletcher: Thanks for the props, but I don't think I am in the same category as those boys. I sure do wish I found crossfit when I was 18 instead of 32 and fat as shit.

    Did this one rx'd. My feet and knees are still hurting pretty good, but moving makes things hurt less. I actually crushed round five straight through in 3:02 to finish sub 20.


  3. I took last cycle off and gave my body a rest. It needed it, but I could tell I took some time off when doing today's WOD. Man those weighted walking lunges sucked.

    TT: 15:20

  4. TT 13:35, HSPU's to abmat. That hurt! Lunges!!


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