Wednesday, November 23, 2011

G.I. Jane

Big Buck 2011

100 Burpee pull-ups
Ideally the pull-up bar is 1 foot above your reach


  1. After taking a week off for deer hunting what a WOD to welcome me back.

    As Rx'd: 18:22

  2. Nice kill Chris! Eat that natural meat my friend!

    TT 16:44. I used my high bar, so it's about a 8-9" jump to grab it from the floor. Not quite a foot but it's all I have. How high are you guys jumping? That sure slows you down because after each burpee you have to scope out the jump!

  3. Cool, just looked back to February and it took me 17:52 back then, so I got me a PR here by 68 seconds.

  4. Nice PR Craig!! My jump is about 9-10 inches and yes that does make it suck. Damn burpees

  5. Total time: 19:05.46

    Bar is about 6 inches above my reach.

  6. Ideally my ass! Having the bar 1' above your reach sucks! As rx'd 21:20.


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