Friday, November 4, 2011



  1. Did grace this morning and tied my buddy Pickett from Denver with 2:52. Lungs have been hurting all day. Will hit this fun looking wod tomorrow.

    Fletcher watch the videos on how to do band muscle ups. You can do them from the ground so your ceiling will not be an issue.

  2. Hey man, I didn't have time to figure out banded MUs... I just wanted to WOD my ass off before I had to make breakfast for my family and start the normal day.

    So I did the 7 rounds of DUs and Snatch with 95 lbs like last time and got 15:01. PR by 2+ minutes. I figured out a secret in round 5. Turn off the music. I need to hear the rhythm of the rope or my DUs are awful. Last 2 1/2 rounds were way faster. So good to know in the future. Then I rested eaxctly 5 minutes (was actually putting stuff away in the garage) then I did this one as follows:

    Wearing a 20 lb vest throughout
    GHD's to flat plain on GHD bench - pause each rep and hold flat (a BITCH with the vest)
    For every MU do 2 RD's and 2 CTBs (also a BITCH with the vest)

    TT 10:23

    I thought I was going to puke on that one

    Tomorrow will row and push press! Gonna smoke that one.

  3. Fletcher, try the fast guitar section of Paradise City for a sweet double under rythm too.

    WODoers: This looked so simple on paper, but ouch!!! My abs were cramping up in the second round. It is evil how much you need your abs to muscle up, and how evil even one or two muscle ups affect your ghds. 8:50 as rx'd. Scared to sneeze for the rest of the week.


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