Wednesday, November 9, 2011


For time:

135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps


  1. Second time doing this and I got me a PR by almost a minute.

    As RX'd: 5:40

  2. Did Grace for the first time ever I think, so technically I got a PMFR :-)

    RX'd 4:20

    First 10 unbroken, that took 38 seconds. Then I had to stop for a good 30 seconds. Then did 5, then small chunks, then did last 4 unbroken. I have Fran throat. I hope that doesn't tweak my back. That 135 sure gets heavy fast! When I rested I rested for a good 30 seconds like 4 or 5 times. Pacing back and forth in the garage with a burning throat.


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