Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1


  1. 135x3,155x3,170x2,185x1,200x1,215x1,230f,230f,230f,230pr!!

  2. First time doing Thrusters with a bar. Found it awkward on my right elbow and wrist. Watched a bunch of videos from CrossFit on how to do them correctly. Started with just the bar and kept adding 10#s.


    Well I guess 125 is my PR. Seems pretty pitiful. I must work this and other Olympic type lifting exercises more. Also stretch my wrists out.

  3. I don't remember doing this one before, so I didn't know where to start.

    95x10 for warmup


    Cranked Big Truck by Coal Chamber to get the last couple sets up, thanks for the song Craig.

    Nice PR guys!

  4. Sorry guys that I've been totally MIA lately. I've just been on the road constantly the past couple of weeks and wrapped up in my kid's FB team weekends. I promise, I'm back this weekend after a few more days on airplanes. Unfortunately, that's because his team lost the league semi's on Sunday, so weekends are gonna be a little more flexible now. Fortunately, I don't think I'm traveling as much next couple of weeks and I can get back on the horse.

  5. Chas! Welcome back dude, we're all still here so join the fun when you can. Good to have you back.

  6. OK, this one was going to be interesting for me since I have trouble w/squat movements (knee's, back), but I figure getting the form down is more important right now.
    95 for warm up
    135x2 145,155,160,165,170
    I hit my goal which was to do 170. I think w/better form, I can easily do 180, 185. I lost a lot of power since I'm not used to the power element of this move. Fun though.

  7. Wy and Dave don't know this so it bears repeating.. I have a 6th lumbar vertebrae (which means I am a mutant, among ~3% that have that) and that bone is shattered and pushed in, and not repairable. Therefore I cannot go heavy. So today I just "played around" with thrusters and Snatch Balances.

    Thrusters I did 5 sets of 5 with 1 minute rest in between, SB's I did 5 sets of 3 with one minute rest in between.. so there as a metcon element at work as well after awhile.

    Thrusters: 95,115,125,135,145 (all x5)
    Snatch Balances: 45,75,95,115,125 (all x3)

    Light amounts, but all I can do without hurting myself. Rowing sprints tomorrow. Yay! I took yesterday off... wasn't feeling so great.

  8. Right on! Nothing like having an injury, and figuring out how to workout around it. I've been doing this inregards to my knees and lower back for a while now. I jammed up my back something fierce in a few mountain bike mishaps. It's taken years to recover, but getting out of bed no longer requires a lot of pain.


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