Sunday, November 27, 2011

Run 10K


  1. My 3 year old was coughing and wheezing all day and all last night... now I feel it coming on, so I scaled/subbed this to a 5K row @85% effort, 19:35 (PR is 18:38). Good to get the blood flowing without overdoing it.

  2. Did 4 laps around the neighborhood(1.5miles each) plus the little extra for the 10K. I haven't run a 10K in a while and wasn't sure how the knees would do. The left was bothering me halfway through the 3rd lap. Went a little slower, but still finished. They are going to hate me tomorrow.
    Total time 1:02

  3. As RX'd on treadmill. As it stands I set a PR by 4 minutes, but I (for me)was on a serious breakneck pace until the last mile. I could have come in under 50, but just ran out of gas.

  4. Easing back into it after almost a month off w/ work, travel & kid's football. Craig I took your cue, and I figured I'd just beat you on the row. You know, just 'cause.


  5. Nice work guys... Chas, I don't feel bad... I was going 85% :-)

    Dave way to hang in there! Wy, you can run faster than that! :-)


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