Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ring extensions, rolls, and sots press



  1. Well that was just a good old time. My son woke me up at 4:30, it was time to play. went to bed at 11. So ya... wonderful.

    I did this one RX'd to my own amazement. The biggest thing was the nausea from all of those rolls. The instructional videos helped with the backwards rolls. The ring things were tough, hard to keep my body still, I found myself swaying and kicking but I was able to get full arm extensions.

    TT 12:54

    Enjoy the pukey feeling

  2. Damn Fletcher, you killed me. I wanted to puke so bad I had to take 30 second breaks just to keep my coffee in me. Oh yeah, coffee and this wod do not mix. I couldn't do anything well on this wod. Three rounds in 19:25. Had to stop because my stomach is doing flips.

    Nice work Fletcher that is amazing. Have you ever done the Sots press before, that one kills me.

  3. I have never done the sots press before. I went 6 and 4, except the last round where I literally growled through all 10 because I really wanted sub 13. I didn't take much breaks on the rolls, I jsut kept rolling but I was drooling on myself literally and getting nauesous and disoriented. I felt messed up for 20 minutes or so after that. It was fun though in an awful way. How often do you do 50 rolls in a day at 40 years old? How about never. I can't drink coffee... advantage = me. :-)

  4. How about the main site dudes doing it in 7 minutes? THAT, is what is amazing.

  5. I saw this WOD posted this morning and was looking forward to this all day. Why, you may ask. Well I'll tell you.

    1. I just got a set of rings on Saturday and was wanting to utilize them in a WOD.

    2. Back in the day, I competed in gymnastics and also ran my own gymnastics program for age groupers.

    I watched both of the WOD videos several times today and practiced all of the moves when I got home. I did fall once doing the Sots presses because of balance issues (went into them too fast after the rolls).

    Total time: 10:46

  6. What a crazy tough WOD. I'm not very good at the gymnastics stuff, but I managed.

    There was nothing easy about this WOD at least not for me. Ring extensions hard, rolls not fun. I didnt get nauseous, but very dizzy doing them. The kicker of all the moves was the Sot presses. Tough deceiving lift at 45#. My shoulders were spanked from yesterday's WOD can't imagine tomorrow.

    TT: 14:21

    Later fellas

  7. I'm back.

    Sorry for my absence lately. Since the last time that I was on here, I've got a new job in Butte, MT, bought a house, moved in, and FINALLY made it into a gym last night. Needless to say, I'm extremely fat and out of shape. This is probably the worst I've been since I started high school.

    Anyway, I did some jump rope, bike riding as a warm-up last night. Then, I did 5 rounds of:

    5 Pull-ups
    10 Push-ups
    15 squats
    10 sit-up

    Didn't have the stopwatch, but time was AWFUL I'm sure. Either way, getting back into it and will take a while to get back into somewhat decent shape again.

    Good to see you guys are still at it! Later fellas,


  8. Wow!! We got Chas back, and ol' Mikey is back! Plus two new dudes. This is gonna be fun. Dave, you are a gymnast eh? Let's see some muscle ups! Nice time man.


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