Thursday, December 1, 2011

Heart beat much?

15min AMRAP of:

15' rope climb x2
20 WB
200m dash


  1. I made some mods to match off what I had to work with today:

    10 burpee pullups
    20 barbell thrusters 45#
    40 side-to-side jumps over bar

    I made 4 rounds even. I don't know if my mods made this easier or harder, but it was a complete gasser all the way through.

  2. Tis' good to have the brethren coming back around.

    I felt good about this one.

    Rope climbs were from ass, legless, to 9' target
    Rowed 200M instead of running

    6 rounds + 2 rope climbs.

    RC's were/are the hardest move here. I seriously want to get a mouthpiece because when I am really cranking on stuff that is very very hard like legless RCs I bite my teeth together really hard.

    Last two RCs only had 30 seconds so I banged out the first one. Sat on the ground for about 8 seconds, then finished the 2nd one with 1 second to go.

    YA BABY!!! Love this shit.

  3. Oh, and I never slowed down at all except the RCs. All WB's unbroken, rowing split time was 1:50 or less damn near throughout.

  4. Got this one in last night. I feel like an old man. Getting out of shape is way easier now, and attempting to get back into shape is way harder than I remembered it ever being.

    Anyway, I subbed 15 pullups per round for rope climbs, which I know isn't the best sub, but was good enough for now.

    3 rounds in 15:00

    Feels good to be back although I'm sore as hell. Later fellas.

  5. Oh, also subbed 200m rows for 200m running.


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