Thursday, December 15, 2011

Muscle Ups and DB thrusters

Three rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
35 pound Dumbbell thruster, 21 reps


  1. I subbed 14 chest to bar pullups and 14 ring dips each round for the MUs. DB thrusters RX'd of course.

    TT 9:48

    Rest 10 minutes....

    Then I did the cleans and HSPU WOD. Did 150 lb full ass below knees to locked upright knees squat cleans, did head to floor HSPUs for the first two rounds, then scaled to head to AbMat because I couldn't do anymore, shoulders were fried!

    TT 11:26. Nothing to be proud of here on WOD #2. Wimpy.

  2. Did this one last night. Subbed 3:1 PU's/dips for MU's.

    TT - a humbling 26:15

    PU's and dips were awful, thrusters not so bad but a little akward. Either way I finished. Later fellas.

  3. Subbed 75# barbell thrusters. It was weird muslce ups crushed my ability to do thrusters but not vice versa? TT:10:58

    Fletcher: Did you try the ring hsps? I thought they were crazy!

  4. Justin no I didn't try the ring deals... I need to though!

  5. I also subbed 14 chest to bar since I have no way to do muscle ups at the gym here.
    2 mile warmup cuz I felt like running.
    WOD chest to bar/35lb thrust 9:30
    Did a 1500 meter row to feel more shoulder burn.. and it worked. Good to kick my ass!


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