Friday, December 2, 2011

Clean and Jerk's 1's


  1. Everyone knows I can't go heavy. I did Grace for the first time ever RX'd just 3 weeks ago, went 4:20, wanted to get sub 4 today. Had three changes in mind to get the PR: 1) Drop the weight from overhead to save energy, 2) Pace, don't go too fast at first (last time did first 10 unbroken w/hands on the bar the whole time) and 3) keep moving. Oh and also wore my lifting shoes.

    TT = 3:44 OH YAA!!! Big PR there. Next time I need to get sub 3:30.

    Coughing up lung butter and my throat feels like I jsut did Fran. Good feeling to get a PR!!! Now it's time to go to our employee Christmas Party and whack a few beers. What will tomorrow bring us on the main site?

  2. Oh Dave and Wy, Grace is 30 reps of 135 lb clean and jerk, ground to overhead, for time.

  3. Have fun at your party Fletcher. I used this WOD as a chance to reacquaint my body with lifting things up. I swear, it's amazing how much muscle memory goes away in just a few weeks; Mike I'm sure you can attest to that. So I kept it easy and did multiple sets from 115-155, way more than just the 7x1 but wanted to work on the full squat clean part. I did finish with a half-Grace @115 though to get some speed in. Also did a ring dip ladder at the end.

    This also marks my 3yr CF anniversary, give or take. Not surprisingly, after not working out for almost a month, then a week back at it, I'm all kinds of sore. Feels about the same as three years ago.

  4. Had oly lifting today. Worked on heavy snatch balances, got 85kg and missed 90kg a is 97kg so pretty weak sauce, and then did 5x5 snatch pulls working up to 105kg, that was rough.

    After all that joy, Isabel: 4:34 for a six second PR! Not bad for throwing down a brutal metcon after some serious lifting.


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