Thursday, December 22, 2011

1K run, 100 pushups, 10 squat snatches

Watched the demo, these are full squat snatches.


  1. I feel like a total wuss after that. That didn't go well for me. Pushups took way longer than usual and I just pretty much suck at squat snatches. I scaled the snatches to 115 for my back.

    TT: 14:46

    Oh I rowed a 1K too, that took about 3:45, then the pushups took over 6 minutes?!??! Just had no chest strength... muscles were failing me. Snatckes were really slow too, like 1 every 25 seconds was all I could do. I did full ROM, ass below knees on all reps. It was more like a power snatch, pause, then overhead squat. Catching those on the down tweaks my lower back so I have to do them in two parts.

  2. Plus I was beat down after that first WOD this morning... ya, that's my excuse. How's it working?

  3. Fletcher, I bet it is still that 5 rounder killing me and you and you birthday wod for you.

    I rowed 1k too about 3:53. Then more than 6 minutes on the pushups for me too? I wasn't even breathing hard, but I could not do more than 2 or 3 at a time! I know I suck ass at pushups but this was re-damn-diculous!

    Then I missed the first two snatches bigger than shit and thought about quitting, but I focused on my form and I got ten power snatches at 135# in about 4 minutes. Every one was a question mark of whether or not I was going to get it. I did power snatches cause I'm going heavy tomorrow.

  4. you are invited to follow my blog

  5. I modified as usual. I have never done squat snatches so I did 10 DL and 10 back squats. Both at 135 pounds.

    TT 13:59

    1K run 4:36
    100 pushups 5:45
    10 back squats 1:55
    10 DL 1:43

  6. I did this workout in reverse and instead of snatches, I did squat thrusters. Otherwise, as RX'd. Squat thrusters then pushups was a kick! By 50 my shoulders were very pumped.
    TT: 8:35


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