Tuesday, December 13, 2011

One -Arm Snatch and Abs

Three rounds for time of:

35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, right arm

15 GHD sit-ups

35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, left arm

15 Toes to bar


  1. I was in Missoula all weekend with the Grizzlies game Friday night, then hanging with the girlfriend and other friends/family for the rest of the weekend. Did this one last night, so I got a day ahead..for now.

    Subbed ball under ass sit-ups for GHD's and T2B.

    TT = 14:25

  2. Subbed 45# oly bar, otherwise as rx'd. TT=19:22

  3. Justin that is insane. One armed snatch squats with the bar? LOL. You are the blog Macho Man.

    TT 11:37 RX'd

    Had to stop twice for about 10 seconds because of interruptions but hey, I probably needed to breath anyway. Nice effective fast little diddy of a WOD. Depending on what comes up tomorrow I might do a double. Still need to do the cleans and ring HSPUs, which will really be lighter cleans and head to floor HSPU's unless I can somehow do the ringie dingies.

    Won my first ever Fantasy Football playoff game. $150. If I win this weekend it's another $150 and a ticket to the FF Super Bowl! Win that one and I will win like $600.

  4. First workout back from Vegas and it felt like hell.... ouch. I also "subbed ball under ass sit-ups for GHD's" as I'm not quite sure my back is ready for that ype of stress. Hell, the snatches were enough!


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