Monday, December 19, 2011



  1. I just did the press this am as my body needs rest and it has been less than two weeks since my last max effort dead lift. Hit 180# for the first time in a long time. Stoked about that. I don't have enough weight to do the squat or dead.

  2. BS - Press - DL
    185 - 135 - 225 Total 545

    Also did for MetCon 12 rounds 20 on 10 rest rotating through Situps, Toes to bar, Kettleball swings 25#

  3. Happy Birthday Craig!

    No total for me, same lifts but I've been out of the game for a couple weeks so I wanted to ease my way back.

    BS - 135x10,155x8,185x6,205x4,225x2
    SP - 75x10,95x8,115x6,125x4,135x2
    DL - 215x10,225x8,235x6,285x4,305x2

    I did sets of 10 pushups and situps between rounds. My travel should be done for awhile, so I'm back in it full time.



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