Thursday, December 29, 2011


This is BIG TIME. Note the two minute rests. Read the hero story on the main site. For time: Run 2 miles Rest 2 minutes 135 pound Squat clean, 20 reps 20 Box jump, 24" box 20 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead 20 Box jump, 24" box 135 pound Squat clean, 20 reps Rest 2 minutes Run 2 miles


  1. What's up guys? I'm here just been in a major rut lately. What a WOD to welcome me back. No twenty pound vest and I scaled the squat cleans to 115. Still an ass kicker, second run was brutal. My legs are on fire!

    TT: 54:31, this includes the 4 minutes of rest.

    Not impressive, just happy to finish.


  2. With vest as rx'd 1:16:28 counting the rest times. Those guys who did it in 40 something are amazing.

  3. Nice work boys. I need to do this tomorrow. Legs are whooped from today and I have the shits today and I spent like 7 hours redoing and cleaning my garage... I'm wiped out and not feeling very great. This WOD needs a rest day before it anyway...

  4. that absolutely destroyed me... especially that final row. I flat out stopped 4X during that last row because I was feeling dizzy and sick.

    I subbed 4,000M rows for the runs (2.5 miles!)
    I wore the 20# vest throughout. I did everything else RX'd - I think the rowing sub is totally fair by the way, man that was awful but I sold out completely for Hidalgo. Collapsed into a heap at the finish for a good 5 minutes moaning.

    TT 52:28 including rests

    Row 1: 16:20
    rest 2
    Middle stuff 15:23 (I surprised the hell out of myself here)
    Rest 2
    Row #2: 16:45

    Collapse into heap.

    Going out to party down tonight, me and some buddies are going to see WEEN at the Fillmore downtown - got a designated driver and it isn't me so expect bad behavior and a slow WOD time tomorrow if I WOD at all! :-)

  5. First video is first 5 SC's, second video is reps 11-16 of round 2. And my little buddy Max for a second too.


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