Monday, December 19, 2011

40th Birthday Workout

Who wants to join me in ushering in my 40th year of personhood? I can't do the CFT anyway.

So here's the WOD, written by me:

400M Row
40 pushups
40 GHD situps
40 back extensions
40 weighted step lunges with 95 lb bar on back (OUCH)
40 ring dips
40 95 lb push press
40 toes to bar
40 95 lb. back squats
400M Row


  1. TT 23:42. This was harder than I thought it was going to be. I was yelling a bit. Those lunges with 95 lbs were tough. Took 3 1/2 minutes just for those. Toes to bar were hard to finish, by then I was a mess. Squats went 20/20. Happy Birthday to me??!!?

  2. That is fing brutal!! Nice work and happy birthday!

  3. I am unbelievably sore from this WOD!!


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