Tuesday, December 6, 2011

BS 3-3-3-3-3


  1. Wow, I haven't squatted in a while. My 3RM is 235, but I didn't go for it today.


    I did a bunch of ring dip sets in between.

  2. I know I have Back Squated before with 135. I started there and worked up to a weight I could do for 3 reps. I might of been able to do more, but form would of left.


    Not much, but still more than my weight.

  3. I was hoping to do a double, but didn't make it.

    Started with the 20 minutes of AMRAP 250m row + 25 push-ups.

    TT = 5 rounds + 250m row + 15 push-ups

    Tried doing squats, but I didn't have any flexibility left in my shoulders/chest to get under the bar to do squats. So, I guess I'll make this one up today.

    Later fellas.


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