Wednesday, December 21, 2011

21-15-9 POWER Cleans and GHDs

Please note these are power cleans, not squat cleans... per the WOD demo video. Seems like since Tony Budding took over the programming he means "power clean" when he says "Clean"... used to be that "Clean" meant squat clean by default, but he actually designates squat cleans.


  1. This went much slower than I anticipated. Made me feel like a pussy. as rx'd 6:27

  2. I lowered the weight to 95. I first tried it with 135 and could only do 3. I am pretty sure I am doing the move correctly. I watched the WOD video and the exercise moves video.
    I do not have a GHD so performed them on the floor like they did in the video.


  3. 5:56 RX'd. I hate knowing that I could have gone a little bit faster... I bet I could get back 20 seconds here. I had to take two rests days in a row because that birthday WOD I wrote myself crushed me. Soooooo sore from that. Resting 10 minutes right now then doing today's WOD if I can get away with it. Kids are up and need their daddy!

  4. Way to step back up to the 135# plate Fletcher.

  5. Thanks man. Power cleans are OK for me # 135 I think. I'll know tomorrow. If I don't have knifing sharp back pain I'll be happy. Sucks too, back when I first started CF I could do me some pretty damn heavy cleans. I have the power, but I'm all jacked up.


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