Monday, December 5, 2011


5rds for time:

Run 800m
30 KBS 2pd
30 pullups


  1. I made this one Eva Light, 3 rounds for time.

    TT = 27:20

  2. I did this lighter also. I bought some new "barefoot" running shoes and went running in them last week. I only did a total of 3k (like the WOD a few weeks back, 1k & 2min rest, repeat). Well I should have eased into the Pose running style. Long story short my calves are still sore almost a week afterwards.
    I decided beforehand to only do three rounds, but ended up doing 4. I switched back into regular running shoes after the first round. I also only have a 25# kettleball and did 15 pullups.

    Total time 31:57

  3. This is a brute of a WOD! I did the light side version as well and did jumping PU's instead of regular PU's.

    Still took me over 40 minutes. KB's felt good though.

    Later fellas.

  4. I did 5 rounds... my forearms are no longer functional.

    I did 800M rows for the runs (instead of 1K because of the extreme forearm strain this WOD puts on you), and scaled the KBS to 54 lbs. Pullups were heinous.

    TT 39:33. PR big time. Last time I did the same KBS weight, but did 400M run and 400M row, but it was 43:40. I feel all whacked out.

    B R U T A L ! ! !

  5. Nasty WOD, glad it only comes up once in awhile. I scaled to 1.5 pood for the KBS, everything else RX'd.

    Major PMFR today fellas by almost 7 minutes

    TT: 40:17

    You think my shoulder is healed maybe?

    Fuck yeah!


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