Saturday, December 3, 2011

20 mins of row 250 and 25 pushups


  1. 9 rounds + 193M then I finished out round 10 because doing 250 pushups is macho.

    Kept rowing split @ 1:50 darn near all the time. Last 193M sprint had it down to 1:41, about fell off the rower when the buzzer went off. Then I tied my shoe and finished out round 10. That's gonna hurt tomorrow. Haven't done 250 pushups in one WOD very often. I am really having fun lately with the WODs.

    I get all excited about them and my endurance has gotten a lot better it seems. I just can't do HSPUs and MU's!!

    I ordered pre-WOD and post-WOD supplements from At Large Nutrition, should be getting those any day. I'll let you know how I like them.

  2. You got me on this one easily Fletcher thanks to my nonexistent chest.


  3. Nice work guys.

    I subbed 25 SDHP for the rows:

    8 Rounds + 25 SDHP + 6 pushups

    I have a feeling the chest will be feeling this one tomorrow

  4. You guys'll love this. So my son makes it all the way through 4th grade football season, and then we end up in the ER after the awards banquet. We had the dinner in the church gym and let the kids play basketball. Head into the wall. Three stitches over the eye. I guess we should've had them wear helmet and pads, that changeover to winter sports can be confusing.

  5. I am a pushup pussy too, but thanks for the number to beat Chas. 7/250/15

  6. Ok, after throwing out my back doing Dl's last Thurs, I had to take off until Monday. I am stiff a bit, but nothing I'm not used to. I did a 2 mile warmup for this since it seems to help the ol' back
    10 Rounds as RX'd. DRENCHED after this one. Felt great to get back into the game.

  7. Wy, nice work... but I was expecting 11-12 rounds from the pushup king! :-)

  8. No doubt eh? The rowing got me ; )


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