Saturday, November 19, 2011



  1. TT 22:35, PR by 36 seconds!

    Rounds went 7:15, 7:55, 7:25

    All sets of situps unbroken

    Subbed 1K rows for 800M runs (which is always the case). First row 3:30

    Need to get that middle round faster for a new PR next time.

  2. Fletcher: man I wanted to beat your time rowing, but that was not in the cards today. I tried anchoring my feet for the situps with my 75# sand bag and that was a disaster. Not only did it keep falling off, but I had to flex my feet and hamstrings just to try and keep it on my feet. Went unanchored halfway through round 2.
    TT: 24:25
    I'm gonna get me a better set up for next time and give you a run for your money Fletcher. Nice PR.

  3. Wasn't feeling it this morning, but did it anyway.
    Did 1000m runs instead of 800m.

    Total time 45:31

    Run 1: 4:27
    Run 2: 4:47
    Run 3: 4:44

    One of these days I'll give you guys a run for your money.

  4. Dave just keep plugging away! I can row better than I can run. I can't run much because of my knee (I'm all beat up). Justin I anchor my feet with 70 lb DB's. My situp standard is abmat, ankles as close to ass as I can, shoulders flat to ground and hands touch the ground behind my shoulders and then up chest to legs and hands touch toes every rep. Good time though dude! That WOD is a spanker.

  5. As RX'd
    3 rounds, but I am not sure what my time was each round since I set it on the treadmill, so I just have my overall.
    Treadmeill 7.5, 8.0 8.5 (MPH) TOUGH!! My hammies were working hard after the 50 back extensions and the last 2 800's took some focus. I did the SU's pretty much as Craig described except I had my feet under a massage table. The last round of back ext were different because someone jumped on the back aparatus, so I had to imrpovise and use the situp bench (which was odd). I had to sit in it the reveerse way and do my extensions. Harder or easier, my back was screaming..
    TT 19:32


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