Monday, January 16, 2012

5rd 12wb/12ttb


  1. Did this in 9:26. Improved my ttbs greatly but eliminating the need for a double kip at the bottom, but still grip limited my ability to link reps.

    On the tabata this, I went for seven calories and 18 squats and needless to say I didn't get either one and it basically destroyed my body, just happy to finish with 42. Next time, six calorie row and 15 squats per round and will see if I can finish stronger.

  2. For WB I used 8ft and 15# due to what I have to work with. For the TTB I used rings instead of a bar. That last round of TTB I was only getting 3 linked together at a time. The first 4 were all linked with single swings.

    Total time 5:40

  3. As RX'd: 8:52

    Good lung burner for me.


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