Monday, January 2, 2012



  1. 4:32 as rx'd. Not a pr but not terrible considering the last cycle and all the wonderful beer I drank over the last three days.

  2. As Rx'd 6:25, way off my PR but oh well. Still sucked big time. I hear you on the beers Justin

  3. I hate this freaking WOD. I ate 93% paleo yesterday, had only one glass of wine with dinner, but didn't sleep long enough... but anyway, I was determined to crush my PR of 4:54 here. I even did the WOD with no music so I could totally focus. In the end, the weird chemistry of Fran got to me and I could hardly breath so the best I could muster was to exactly tie my PR and got another 4:54. At least it's a lot better than last time which was over 6 minutes but still... I've been feeling really strong lately in the gym. Fran is my goat! I was expecting sub 4:30 at least.

  4. Been out of internet access and come back to three Hero WODs and Fran. I did do some made up WOD at my parent's condo's gym while I was gone. It didn't have a whole lot of weight (mostly cardio machines), but it did have an Abmat. Anyways I chose Fran. I figured it would be the easiest. I was WRONG. I really need to work my legs. Their wasn't much thrust in the thrusters. They were pretty static.

    For my first ever Fran: 24:30 as RX'd
    Should of scaled the weight. I should get a nice PR drop next time we do this though.


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