Sunday, January 8, 2012

Minutes of Pull Ups


  1. I did this will dead hangs cause my hands still have bloody cracks in them from Fran and Cindy. It told me I need to get the dead hangs back in my warm up because I suck at them right now. 8 rounds and 8 pullups. With dead hangs, when the muscles say no more, it means no more no matter how much you want it.

    Then, speed style day with oly lifting. 6 doubles 155# HPC with 1 minute rest in between. 5x1 Squat clean + front squat at 205#, with 1 minute rest in between. This was good for me and helped me focus on fast elbows, which is one of my problems when the weight gets heavy.

  2. I tried the DL and pushup WOD and my lower left back gave a kniving pain in round 2 so I stopped... collected myself, and did the pullup ladder. PR here is 16+9, only got 15 rounds + 11 today. Damn it. 131 pullups. Go Broncos

  3. I was going for at least 16. Only made 11+5 (71 total). These were also done dead hang style on rings. These were a lot harder than I thought they would be.

  4. Nice Dave. Dead hang on rings is a different game! I did kipping on bar, but I don't kip that good...

  5. I also help train some friends and family in my garage gym. They are just beginners so we did this as squats instead of pullups. I decided to join in. I did 28+24 air squats.

    Thanks Craig. I have to learn the kipping pullup. I don't have a bar in the gym (use the park down the block is I need a bar) so I just use the rings.

  6. Dave I can email you pictures of my $30 homemade and might I add pretty awesome pullup bar rig in my garage if you're interested?


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