Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cindy or Mary


  1. Holy fat bastard am I! 212#s this morning. I just about punched a hole in the bathroom wall. I will be running on my days of rest until that bullshit goes away.

    Still got a PR today with 18 + 5pu +10 pushups.

    I can still remember jumping with joy when I finally got from 248 down to below 210 and I promised myself I would never let that happen again, so fuck this shit. I am officially back to full intensity.

  2. ATTA BOY JUSTIN!!!!!! PR and fire! I am weighing in at 220 right now myself, and I shrunk 1/2", I'm down to 6'3".

    I did this one totally cold today, no warm up save for some ballistic stretching (Justin, this is when you are swinging your limbs, moving stretches, not static holds)Spealer, Amundson, etc. always show this. Like standing on one leg, swinging other leg up and back as far as you can, or hands out, twisting hips with hands out back and forth, etc. you can find a lot of this on Youtube. It just loosens you up and gets you moving.

    I came up just shy of a PR, 20 rounds + 4 pullups. After round 19 there were only 55 seconds left so I pushed really hard at the end. I had 13 rounds done in a little under 12 minutes, but that is where I always fall apart.

    Later guys. Hit this hard boys!!!

  3. Man I am SORE AS HELL today. Good ol' Cindy. The pushups always spank me during the WOD, and for 2-3 days afterwards.

  4. Was still sore from Fran so I did this today instead. Stayed about 1 cycle a minute for about the first 10 minutes then got slower. Not bad for a first time of doing Cindy and only 4 months of doing Crossfit.

    16 rounds even.

    Now I will be sore again tomorrow.

  5. Good job Dave! 16 rounds is legit!! With your frame size, I want to see 21 rounds within a year!

  6. I meant to put this one out there a while back but was having issues w/the page.
    As RX'd 19, no extras.. I was done. In fact, I pulled a muscle in my forearm during the last set of pull ups.


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