Friday, January 27, 2012

Squats and Climbs, Lots


  1. No time last two days for warm ups or runs, so did 100 burpees 9:40 pr yesterday and then did minutes of CTB and Ring dips, got through 6 and part of seven then rested a minute got 7 and part of eight, then rested a minute and almost got eight and did it one more time barely missing eight. Score was 6 and change but I think the extra work helped.

  2. Wondering why no one did this one? I subbed 3 strict L pullups for each rope climb, so 45 reps of that total. Back squats were RX'd.

    TT 12:28

    DId a little hollerin' there at the end of the 30 rep set of BS's, legs were on fire!!!! Good to be back in the saddle... still congested, not 100% so my intensity is/was not 100%. Hero WOD maybe tomorrow... I have work meetings from 7:30 to 3:30, and wife is sick so when I get home might have to watch the kids and do the DesForges Tuesday. TMI, I know... just glad to be back out here.

  3. Dude... I just walked downstairs about 20 minutes after that WOD and damn near fell down the stairs. Freaking CrossFit... I swear.


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