Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tabata This!

Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up


  1. I decided to pull a double today. This one was a gasser.

    Subbed SDHP's for the rows - 8
    Squats - 15
    Pullups - 6
    Pushups - 11
    Situps - 12

    Tabata Total - 52

    Later fellas

  2. Modified this a bit. Do not have a rower so I did this more like Tabata Something Else. Also only did 6 of each exercise instead of 8. Pullups were dead hang on rings.

    Pullups 13-8-6-5-4-4 (4)
    Pushups 20-15-11-8-10-8 (8)
    Situps 12-11-10-10-9-9 (9)
    Squats 17-15-13-11-13-11 (11)

    Tabata total 32

  3. This one is made for me! I can hammer pushups and I figured I could do 20 each set and I aimed for that and got it (PAIN!). I also thought I could do 20 squats, but only did 17 on my last 2. The situps I aimed for 13... and kept it there each set. I pretty much new if I kept each of those over 15, I'd score pretty well and I did. Pullups I aimed for 10, but quickly went down to 7 then 5, but absolutely gassed on 7-8 (4)


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