Tuesday, March 19, 2013

12 Minutes of Suck

12 Minute AMRAP
4 75# Press
8 75# Sumo High Pull
12 75# Front Squat


  1. Got 6 rounds + 4/8/3

    My biggest limitting factor was the arches in my feet started cramping, although there were other limiting factors for sure. Stretch those feet out before this one.

  2. nice! Today I did an awful thing. One of my WOD buddies had a birthday recently, turned 42, so I wrote up "The Heath 42".... it was so dang fun that I might follow suit when I turn 42 in December.

    Went a little something like this:

    Row 420M
    42 power cleans (75)
    42 wall balls
    42 butterfly situps
    42 push presses (75)
    42 jump lunges (didn't want to open the garage door)
    42 KBS (36 lbs)
    42 front squats (75)
    42 TTB
    and to top it all off??!!
    42 burpee pullups

    The BPU's took a month of Sundays. ugh...

    TT 30:53. I wanted sub 30 but the BPUs took way too long. Heath went about 35:30, he smoked me on the BPUs but had a hard time with the barbell. he's a smaller dude.

  3. Well, it's been a while since my last post. Been moving and did most of it myself (borrowed a buddy's trailer). Nothing preps you for awkward lifting and hauling crap upstairs below your ankles while bent over (horrid on your back!!), so I took almost 2 weeks off. Yesterday was my first "workout", so I ran a 5k.
    No PR, but ran it under 29 minutes (28:45) so I'm pleased. I'll hopeully get back on track this week and make up a couple pf WOD's.

  4. Glad to have you back Wyatt! Where did you move to? We might move to the city (Wash Park) in December. We are thinking about it... tough call.

  5. We moved not too far away just over to Peakview off Wads. Had a total remodel done so we've had a TON of stuff to oversee. A lot to do still, but it's looking very good. The one thing that really bugs me is missing workouts. WODS, lifting and running are my way to stay in neutral. Lifting furniture and boxes etc always left me in a strange mode of exhaustion the next day. Just got over having some strange pain in the middle of my back that made it hard to breathe. Feel fine now though.
    What is making you want to move Fletch? Wash park is nice, but damn that's a change for you!

  6. It's a tough call really. We have the ideal situation for raising a family, but we love the city life. The house we are building (either as an investment or to move into) is at 470 S York st. Look at it on the map. Right in the middle of Cherry Creek, Wash Park (the actual park), Bonnie Brae, and S. Gaylord St. shops. Get some scooters!

  7. Justin thanks for the tip. I made sure I stretched out good for this one. It still sucked pretty bad.

    I got 7 Rounds + 4 SP + 5 SDHP

  8. Hey guys... that birthday WOD had me sleeping really good last night, and really sore this morning. I am on a mission right now though. Gaining 10 pounds is stupid.

    This AM I did another double. I did a 500M rowing sprint (1:32) then clean and jerk 3's, that went:


    The 205 tweaked my lower back. I have strength for more weight but that didn't feel right. Sucks to have that broken bone down there. Unhealable.

    Then I did this one after a 5 minute rest:

    9 rounds + 4 SP + 5 SDHP

    Presses were surprisingly hard later on, maybe from the birthday chipper and C&J's. First 3 rounds were done in 3 minutes. Middle rounds were a pity party... last round or two were fast again cos the clock was haunting me and I wanted 9.

  9. I had to double check since I didn't think I did it right. I did! Much better effort.
    75# across the board. As rxd 9 rounds +4+8
    My forearms are dead


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