Friday, March 29, 2013


3        CJ
3        TTB
6        CJ
6        TTB
9        CJ
9        TTB
12      CJ
12      TTB
15      CJ
15      TTB


  1. I am so slow at TTB. I really did not even really take breaks. 66 total reps. I am not impressed at al with myself today. I will probably retry on Sunday. Later fellas.

  2. My left arm is messed up really good. I have no idea what is wrong. No WOD today and it is getting worse. Maybe I have E Bola of the arm. It's weird... I messed something up. Don't even know when it happened. Might go cycling tomorrow AM or do Michael or something else that doesn't require arms. Arms are important.

  3. Sorry to hear about the injury Craig. Hope it gets better for you soon.

    This WOD just plain sucked. T2B's killed me today..

    Total reps 62

  4. Redid this one after watching the mobility wod on it. Also ate weighed and measusre 3 block zone meal one hour before. Got 76. Feel really good about go time, which seemed to cancel out the excessive beer I drank the day before. Tied my buddy Blake Pickett. First time I have tied him in an open wod since I got two more reps than him on 165# squat clean and jerk for 11.3.

  5. Wow JTS you added 10 REPS??? WT??


    Arm is still hosed. Yesterday we had a family gathering and beforehand I raked leaves for about 90 minutes (a spring tradition)... knowing that would mess with my arm but we had a whole winters' worth of crud all over the place including 674 dog turds, with 11 kids closing in on us for the party, including a massive Easter egg hunt. To add to it, I did a singular rope climb to show my 15 year old football playing nephew the technique (also showed him some videos on the games page, he was way into it) and threw kids around into this big bean bag we have, and oh ya... played catch with a football with all my bro in laws for another good 45 minutes while the ladies cooked fish tacos (and mixed up some heavy duty margs)... so ya... fun day, and not the best thing for an ailing tendon deal. Hence, I'm jacked still. I'll be WOD'ing when I can, might have to change things up so this deal can heal.


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