Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Run, Handstand Walk, Run, Pistols

Two rounds for Time of:

Run 400 meters
Handstand Walk 15 meters
Run 400 meters
One legged squat, 30 reps


  1. Subbed 30 Shoulder taps per round for the Handstand Walk. I did the pistols on top my plyobox. Both were very hard today. Nice WOD

    TT: 13:23

  2. What is a shoulder tap sir? I'll tap your freegin' shoulder

  3. Wall walks maybe is another way they are referred to. Basically you assume the handstand position against the wall. You alternate touching/tapping each shoulder with the opposite hand. Left to right, right to left, Simulating the walk. Hard as shit, but not hard as the walk.

  4. I did this one today (3/24) but totally Fletcherized it. I had a hard time with this. I did it right after the 12-9-6-3 95 lb snatch/burpee WOD.

    TT 21:13

    I did two rounds of
    Row 500M
    25 strict presses @ 95 lbs (took forever, shoulders were already smoked)
    Row 500M
    30 pistols RX'd

    vaguely resembles the real WOD


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