Wednesday, March 20, 2013

CJ 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1


  1. I just feel like I have been going backwards lately. Weight is actaully down a little to 212, but been traveling a bunch and taking a bunch of depositions, which means just a pile of sitting, even for a fat lawyer like me.

    155x3/175x3/185x2/205x2/215x2/225x1/235x1/245xclean no jerk and then missed the clean at 250. I hate myslef right now.

  2. Hey buddy... don't be so down. Just stay consistent. and I am starting to do things outside of "only CrossFit", riding my road bike, going for walks, etc. just burning calories and being outside more. But CF is the best way to be a bad ass! It's fun and best to mix in other sports though, not be a "CrossFit only" guy. Justin you do that a lot actually... the blog proves it. Dude you do WODs in the ice and snow. Tears come to your eyes sometimes when you think about heroes, you never quit!

  3. I'm definitely hoping for a break in trend tomorrow moring. And seriously thinking about trying again for a sub 2hour half marathon on June 8th, just to mix it up.


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