Thursday, March 28, 2013



  1. I have a damaged left arm.... can't do any pulling with it. Strained tendon or something. Rested yesterday for recovery from that, felt better when I woke up, until I did a clean. So I subbed 115 lb presses for the cleans, and did 14 jumping muscle ups per round (with the rings higher up than usual) and squats were ass to dynamax, which for a tall guy like me is more than full ROM.

    TT 14:30

    JMU's were the hardest part. Had a buddy with me this AM and he really pushed me. I would have had more "ring stare" but he was cranking the JMU's which forced me to get going.

    Spealler was awesome on the live announcement last night - watch how crushed he was post WOD - he totally gave it all up - dude weights 148 lbs or something like that - his TTB's look so silly and easy, like he's a little tinker toy swinging on a bar. I totally dig following the games online. How about you guys?

  2. Fletctcher, bummer about the arm. Hopefully it recovers in time to complete 13.4, cause right now you are leading me two to one in the open and I want to try and tie it up on that bastard. Looks like no toe touch for your tall heavy ass, so those TTBs are gonna be a muther!:)

  3. Oh yeah, how do we get rid of the annonymous poster who has hacked into our blog and I keep getting emails from?

  4. I can turn off anonymous access and lock it down only to people with specific email addresses. Shall I do that?

    The arm might take a while, so I might have to do the WOD late. But I plan to take it to you!

  5. Agreed. I get enough emails without that shit.

    And bring it!

  6. Seriously.... I was wondering if anyone else was receiving that shit.

  7. I've turned off the anonymous access to post on our blog. Sorry Fletcher is such a slacker and didn't do as he was told.


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