Saturday, March 23, 2013

20 KBS, 30 TTB, Run 400M


  1. I wanted sub 5 but T2B's slowed me down.

    As RX'd 5:33

    Going to catch my breath and hit 13.3. It won't be pretty DU's are my nemesis and like you Craig, I simply don't practice them as often as I should.

  2. I subbed a 500M row. Chris what did you swing, do you have a 2 pooder or did you just use a big ol' 70 lb dumbbell?

    I don't have my 2 pooder anymore so I did the math and did 27 1.5 pood KBS to move the same amount of weight. TTB's were the slow down. Couldn't row any faster than about a 1:48 I think...

    TT 4:45

    Then did some power snatches. Worked my way up to 155 lbs and felt some back tweaks so I stopped there. Not sure I could do much more, I actually failed one of the three @ 155.

  3. I used a 70# dumbbell. I prefer my kettlebell for grip and probably should of upped the reps like you did. Either way the T2B's still would of slowed me down. Nice job!

  4. Got this little WOD in today. I used a 70# KB... and I don't think I couldv'e done much more. That shit was heavy! Got it done as RX'd. TTB were ok. I was able to pretty much do 3 sets of 10 which is what I aimed for.
    TT 5:24

  5. Used the ol' 75er for the KBS and smoked em, then the TTBs slowed me down but I kept moving, ran a 1:33 400m for 4:33 Total time. Nice little wod.

    Then did some strenght work with the clean and press got 175x2, then 180x1 and tied my PR of 185 and then just barely missed 190 twice. Man I need to get that 190 just to get it off my brain.


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