Tuesday, March 12, 2013

OHS 3-3-3-3-3


  1. Where are the brothers? Guys today was exciting. I think the snatches in 13.1 gave me some confidence to stop being such a puss when it comes to lifting. I still went with 5's on this WOD, but I felt stronger than in January. Back then I set a PR with 155x5. Today that went up pretty easily... then I was going to do 160 for a new PR but I couldn't find my other 2 1/2 lb plate so I threw 165 on there. Got that done, but felt I still had room for more. So I did a 6th set... 175x5... got that done, so now I was sitting at a 20 lb PR and quite surprised. 175 was tough, but I felt like there might be a little bit of room (I was all fired up)... but I wanted my buddy Mike to take a video to make sure I got full ROM when I tried 185. I got the squats done, but upon further review I didn't quite get full ROM ass to knees so I am not going to count that. 175 I got for sure, felt the hip crease no doubt and Mike called it good. 185 @ 90% of ROM made me tremble and quake. For some reason, I still think I can do it full ROM. Will try next time but hey... I will TAKE A 20 LB PR!!

  2. Fletcher, I like the reebok crossfit shoes. The are great for everything crossfit except for longer runs, which you don't do. I would were them on a 5k but definitely not a 10k. I even wore them this morning insteaf of my oly shoes.

    I got a 5# pr with 190#x3 and then got 1.5 reps at 200. I should have gone for 195.

    On rom Fletcher, I use the dynamax casue it is even lower than just the hip crease standard, you don't need a witness, and it is not subject to conjecture or speculation. Just my two sense. Nice PR at 175!

    Overhead squats are funny. I have gotten 5 before at 185 without too much frustration but 190 is my 3 rep PR. There is just a certain point when the bar feels very light and doable then you at 5 pounds and it feels heavier than shit!


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