Sunday, March 10, 2013

15 mins of 15 CTBs and 30 second ring L sit hold

1 comment:

  1. I am all kinds of sore after Adrian+13.1 on back to back days. I almost declared today a rest day, but I like to rest Mondays so I can go in to work at the butt crack of dawn since I don't have to take my son to daycare on Mondays. So anyway, I did this bastard despite extreme soreness.

    I was done with 4 rounds with more than 6 minutes yet remaining, I figured I could get 6 or 7 rounds, but something happened... it was like my body shut down. I had the mental game going to, effort was all out, but my body was DONE. Hence, I got 5 rounds + 15 CTBs. I just checked and the last two times were 5+10 CTB and 5+7 CTB, so despite the epic collapse in the 4th quarter I declare a PR! Boy do I need a rest day. Chris, let's see that 13.1!! Froning posted, he is #2 in the world in that one, 2 210 lb snatches behind Neal Maddox. Neal did it two days in a row, the first time he was two reps behind his training partner Khalipa, so he got after it again and is still on top. Lots of cool stories about athletes on the games site this year. Chan is injured and traveling around the country in his trailer with his wife. Still going to try to compete though.


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