Monday, March 4, 2013

Run Lunge Squat

Three rounds for time of:

Run 200 meters

100 meter Walking lunge

50 Squats

Post time to comments.


  1. I hit this one up at the track this morning only to find the track covered in 3 to 5 inches of crusted over wind blown snow. So this was a lot like doing the wod in sand at the beach except for me it on snow at a track and twelve degrees outside.

    22:02 as rx'd.

    Last round was a full minute faster than second round, but overall it was just a slow grind. The pain and discomfort that are likely to be associated with this particular adventure in two days time have me seriously concerned.

  2. By golly I did me a full blown double today. I got a new pair of work pants (as in business pants) at Costco today, 36x34, my normal size, got them home, and boy were they snug. Snug enough so that when I looked in the mirror I saw some chub hanging over the sides. Can't have that gentlemen! Weighed in at 229... got pissed, and decided to completely burn my legs out and do another full sized WOD. My legs were already ruined after 13.2 yesterday and row/bench this AM...

    First round was done in 5:04, second round over the clock said 10:45, TT was 16:04. Those squats were incredibly hard after those lunges. The short run actually helped shake loose tight muscles.

    For next time I shall record my rounds:

    Rest day tomorrow.

    It's easy to gain weight.... and there is but one answer to lose it and keep it off. No pills, no "diets"... eat clean, workout hard and consistently including resistance training, throw in some mellow cardio on rest days (bike rides), don't drink very much, and sleep enough. I haven't been acing ANY of these areas and have been falling down too often in ALL of them. Gee, I wonder why I am not 215 and lean and mean right now? It's no mystery.


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