Wednesday, March 20, 2013


90 DUs
30 MUs


  1. TERRIBLE AWFUL PERFORMANCE on the double unders. The answer is easy, practice those things. But I just don't. I should do 50 every WOD as part of warmup, and yes, I have said that before too and I don't do it.

    Anyway, Karen done in under 8 minutes, then I only got 64 DU's.... should be able to do 64 DU's in 2 minutes or so, even me with my suckness. I've done them that pace before. If I were actually competing I would take a do over of this one on Sunday and practice DU's the next two days to build up a rhythm!

    Then I did 30 CTBs and 30 RDs in about 7 minutes. That took way too long too because of the vicious WOD's I did Wed and Thurs, my body is hurting.

  2. I knew I needed a double under miracle to get to one muscle up and it just didn't happen. Tried to pace Karne maybe a little to much, finished around 8:40 not feeling to destroyed but then my rythm was way off on the double unders and I only got 60. I was able to do a muslce up on the third try ater the wod was over, that games standard turn out at the bottom is really tough even when I am fresh on the low rings in my garage.

    I wil be taking Fltecher's advice and retrying on Sunday. I would really to get that dang muscle up! But the double unders have to flow like hot melted butter to get there.

  3. Lots of singles mixed in with the DU's it was hard to keep track. Somewhere 40-45. I actually strung a few together a couple times. Karen was done with just over 4 minutes left on the clock.

    That concludes my double for the day. Enjoy your weekend fellas!

  4. I tried a different rep scheme with Karen and still ended up finishing right at 8:40, I had a bunch of early misses on the double unders, but I did start string some nice groups of 10 and 15 together. I hit 81 right on the buzzer. Damn, it sounds close but I think realistically that is still a full 45 seconds to a minute away from a legit muscle up. I think you need 20 seconds to take 4 deep breathes before you really have even a tiny chance at hitting the muscle up in that metablic state. I think I will try this again next Friday, I really want that fucking muscle now!


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