Monday, March 25, 2013



  1. That was the hardest chipper ever for me. My forearm was all cramped up even before the WOD, slept bad, and ass was sore from Pistols, so I had a lot going against me.

    I did everything RX'd. The TU's took 6 minutes which I know is insane but it was all I could do to get each single rep.

    TT 27:22

    I felt like ass after that one. That was VERY hard. Worthy of a hero.

  2. Tough WOD! Couple subs for me, DU's for triples and 25 Towel Pull-ups for rope climbs. I have to say I did better on the DU's today.

    TT: 24:26

  3. Why didn't you do the triples you big fat vagina?

  4. Because I'm not as cool as you. Just learning the doubles. Next time this one comes up I will definitely be ready with the triples! : )

  5. I had never tried TU's before... it drove me insane. It was max effort just to get ONE done. it went like SU, SU, SU (big jump and crazy triple whip move!) TU!... fall on ground. repeat... maybe if I was lucky


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