Monday, February 24, 2014

10k Row


  1. Yeah a PR. Granted this my first 10k.
    TT 42:55.20 AVG 500m pace 2:08.7

    2k splits
    time 500m pace
    2k 8:41.2 2:10.3
    4k 8:28.2 2:07.0
    6k 8:35.5 2:08.8
    8k 8:39.5 2:09.8
    10k 8:30.5 2:07.6

    Here is an easy time for you guys to beat. Have at it.

  2. Dave, great job finishing! Seeing you this made me tough it out. I can't tell you how many 5k and 10k rows I have quit after 3000m or so.

    For me this WOD has nothing to do with met con. It is all about finding creative solutions to stop my feet from falling asleep and trying to keep the pain in my bony ass from getting to great to finish. At 3500m in my left foot went to sleep so I took it out of the stirrup and rowed 300m with one leg and then 200m with my left foot on the ground. It worked, foot woke up. With 1800m left I could not longer take the pain in my ass so I went with a wide knee approach with a constant 3/4 lean back. Arms way inside the knees at the start of the pull. Kinda like rowing in the happy baby yoga pose with your feet together. Fucking hilarious I am sure if anyone could see me, but I was actually able to row to a 1:59 to 2:02 split in this position.

    I cant believe it, I finished!! TT 21:28 PR!

  3. Justin - if you watched Khalipa in the Games last year, he rows with his knees slightly out. He won both of the rowing events this way. Nice job on the PR.

  4. 21:28 for a 10K? What's the typo here?

  5. My hip flexor started hurting pretty good around 7K so I went to 7500M and stopped because I have a golf vacation starting tomorrow early with dad and didn't want to be injured. I got 7500 in 29:33... fitness wise I could have held pace and even finished stronger (that was the plan) and got a PR, but I thought better of it. Gotta be smart. My buddy Jason also went 7500 for 31:10. Average split was 1:58. Stopped to remove sweatshirt once, and stopped about 5 times for water because my throat is really dry.....

    See you guys next week in blog land.


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