Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The 12 minutes party: 4 mins of 135 C&J, 4 minutes of calorie row, 4 minutes of burpees


  1. Metcon burn supreme!! Did this one today in case it makes my knee flare up since I am going on a golf trip Thursday, wanted a day in between. I will row the 10K tomorrow.

    This was still has my throat on fire and I've been done a good while now.

    C&J got "Grace" exactly 30 reps
    Rowing got 62 calories
    burpees got 40 at the buzzer (had 37 done with 11 seconds left, went crazy fast to get 40)

    132. Target to shoot for bitches.


  2. C&J did 95# everything else RX'd

    C&J 22 (these were power cleans not squat cleans, for future reference)
    Rowing 65 Cal.
    Burpees 47
    Total 134
    I would like to say I beat you Craig, but I pussed out on the weight, so no go.

    Chris - nice investment. Love my rower. It does suck and you feel like shit when you get off, but I still love it. It will also help the shoulders in the sense that you do not have to do Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls. That exercise can cause impingement in the shoulders.

  3. Hi Fletcher, I was checking back through the blog and I think you got yourself a pr on grace to start, nice work!

    I got my 30 in 3:08 but then the wheels fell right off.

    C&J 34
    Row 65
    burpee 40

    Total: 139

    Bitches??? it appears you be da bitch on this one Fletcher:)

  4. damn you Justin. I will strategically fall behind with this golf trip so I can have your numbers to chase you sunsabitches. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower. Chris is getting a rower.

  5. Dave, impressive rowing calorie burn since you are a lot shorter than me. I guess I am a pussywussy

  6. Craig - It was the C&J before the row that made the difference. You did 30 @ 135 and I did 22 @ 95#.

  7. First WOD with the new rower. I did this the other day but subbed run for row.


    115# CJ - 32 Rep's
    1/2 mile run
    46 Burpees

    With Rower
    115# 32
    57 Calories
    44 Burpees
    Total 133

    Definitely more winded getting of the rower then when running. I have to get technique down, but happy I'm finally the proud owner of a C2.


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