Monday, February 10, 2014

3 Rounds of 21 115 push press, 3 legless rope climbs, and 27 GHDs


  1. Did 95#s for the PP, 30 L pull-ups for the rope climbs, and 30 abmat sit-ups for the GHD.

    TT 32:25.36

  2. Hey Dave, gnarly sub for the rope climbs!

    TT 19:50, almost RX'd.

    I say "almost" because I couldn't quite do the leglessness. I think I only got two pure. For the others, I got to about 12 feet most of the time, then had to employ legs. I figured that out after a couple of failed attempts. I had "rope stare" a lot during this WOD. A lot of recovery between RC's. Three WODs in a row with GHDs is just weird, my abs are not doing well. The PP's were surprisingly pretty easy. First round I got 17/4. Then went 11/6/4 next two rounds.

    Justin, you doing OK there buddybutt?

  3. Do pretty good Fletcher, not nearly as bad as the Broncos, but not quite as good as the Seahawks:)

  4. Did this last night as rx'd (as long as you count my no jump start on my slightly lower than 15' rope) in 15:51. I was surprised that my abs did not hurt more, but I remember one of my gym buddies from college who was way into supplements, body building and eventually steroids, was always saying that abdominals were one of the muscle groups that could be worked every day. Of course we did not have a GHD machine at the college gym.

    Also, my weight has crept up slowly from 202 to 208. I have been eating a measured zone for breakfast and lunch and mostly salads with meat for dinner. Not sure what it is but I feel faster and stronger instead of fatter and slower and belt still goes in the same loop on my pants. Maybe it is this new programing with more strict movements?

  5. Dear Justin,

    You are making me feel like a big puss all the time lately.

    Craig Fletcher


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