Monday, February 17, 2014

7 minutes of 5 sub 1:30 pace row pulls, DLs


  1. Just to make sure we are all on the same page... a counted rep on the rowing part is a single pull where the /500M pace shows 1:30 or under.

    I scaled/subbed to 205 lbs on the DLs, but 5 reps instead of 3.

    Doing it that way, I got 7 rounds.

    Usually on the rowing... I had to pull three times and then on the fourth I got to the 1:30 or under and held it.

    Very stimulating and interesting WOD. Body shock.

    The winner of the contest got 12 rounds RX'd. Ridiculous.

    rested 5 minutes, then went on to the other 7 minutes of wackiness

  2. I did the same Fletcher. I also only counted it if the full pull from the toes read sub 1:30. I did not count the rep that brought it under. Otherwise as rx'd with 7 rounds.


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