Sunday, March 9, 2014

14.2 OHS and CTB


  1. Been moving the family back to my wife's home town of Soda Springs, Idaho. It is a tiny little town about 100 miles west of Jackson, so going to give running a remote law office a shot. Goal is to simplify and focus on family, friends and actually have the time to fish and hunt. No point in having a drift boat in Jackson and working so much that you only use it an average of three times a year.

    Got ourselves five acres with a little house and a big shop. Perfect. Have so much room in the shop I am still trying to figure out how to lay out the gym. It is 40x32 with 12' to the bottom of the trusses and 16' to the center peak. I will have to send some pics of the walls and maybe get some ideas from you guys when the contractors are done.

    It is a mess right now as I am having a contractor build a home office and a bonus room in the back 16', but I did manage to dig out and hang my rings and make a place to squat so I could "try" 14.2.

    Like an idiot, I only did one set for the first two rounds and I was like no way I should be dying if Rich did not make it to twenty, so I figured out my mistake and rested 3 minutes and started over from the beginning.

    1 round, 12+12/12+9

    I know I can get two rounds if I don't accidently do 22 CTB's first, so I will have to retry in three days or so.

    Later fellas,

  2. The new place sound awesome, Justin. I would love to have that kind of land.

    I tried it RXd several time in the last few days. No way I am going to get 95# OHS without F'ing something up. I did make 85#s once. I have to get some lifting shoes to do these properly. I ended placing my heels on a board to lift them. I have to work on getting some mobility in my right ankle.

    Ended up doing this with the women's weight. 65#s
    Total reps 22.

  3. Justin that sounds awesome. Please post some pictures of the setup, I'd love to see it! 5 acres and 40x32' gym? That is amazing. You should start a little workout crew with some neighbors like I do, it's very rewarding. Accountability, comradery, etc.

    I decided that because I am 42 years of age I didn't have to do CTBs, LOL. I wanted to get a workout that lasted a bit here. So I did OHS RX'd and regular kipping pullups. I came up 3 reps short of 3 full rounds.... doing 2 rounds every 3 minutes course. 141 reps.

  4. I got through 5 rounds OHS (75 LBS) and 10 PU's in round of 20.


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