Sunday, March 2, 2014



  1. Time went back up to a slower time, but I increased the weight on the DL to 185# and did actual HSPU to abmat.
    My HSPU, like my dips, are all strict. The only thing I kip (butterflies) on are Pull-ups, unless it is supposed to be strict.

    TT 14:24.39

  2. Did this one after playing around on the rower. It's amazing how much those 500m sprints kick your ass.

    As Rx'd: 10:37

  3. I've been gone for 4 days on a golf trip with my dad... and there was some beer going on.

    Woke up ready to get back into the swing.... did Diane, rested 5 minutes, and then did Fran. What is wrong with me?

    My scales here were 205 DLs and HSPUs to AbMat. TT 7:57

    Jason went 145 and Abmat 8:38
    Heath went 125 and Abmat at 9:00


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