Friday, March 28, 2014



  1. You guys have got to go watch that archived footage. Sam Briggs and Froning and Khalipa are freakish. Froning never changes pace, he knows it too... Briggs was out in front of him but he just stays calm and goes the same speed beginning to end, he did the entire WOD unbroken (they all did). Annie is not the same as she was before she hurt her back last year. And JK is a beast of a man and he moves like a supple lamb. LOL.

    I did bar stepovers for knee preservation reasons. 17:59. I did the 21, and 9 on down thrusters unbroken, the 18, 15, 12 sets went 10/8, 10/5, 8/4. I didn't want to go more than 2X Froning, but I did. Jason went 19:48 and he did it all pure with the two foot takeoff jumps.

  2. Did mine with only 65#s for the thrusters. 19:28

    Watched it live last night. Agree on everything you said.

  3. Shoulders were weak link today in thrusters...way way to many multiple broken sets. 21:59.

  4. JTS, did you watch the 14.5 video? Those people are indescribable. Totally unbroken!


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