Saturday, March 15, 2014

14.3 DL and Box Jumps


  1. I thought I could get through more of the 225# DLs than I did.

    Total Reps: 61 (made it to 6 225# DL)

  2. Been battling a nasty cold with nasual congestion and just can't breathe, but finally felt good enough to wod. This is apparently my score on this wod without lungs.
    10/15 DL@135
    15/15 DL@185
    20/15 DL@225
    25/15 DL@275

    Completely trashed and gasping for air for 15 minutes afterwards. I think I might get to 315 if I had my lungs, but I guarantee I won't be trying this bastard again anytime soon!

  3. Wow you are strong. I did this after resting 10 minutes after 14.2.

    I got through the first three full rounds including box jumps. My deads were slow are careful once I hit the 225ers. I'm not so good at those anymore. JJ yesterday, these two today. Tomorrow I rest! RJ looks criminally heinous. Did you see that crap? 5 RFT Run 800M, 5 15 footers and 50 pushups? Hell no. I'll do that with 4 rounds if I am lucky. I'm going "old guy" on a lot of these Dave Castro Madness WODs.

  4. Impressive effort Justin. Damn dude you are strong.

    I made it through the 225 DL, but only managed 7 @ 275.

    Congrats on the new place by the way!


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