Friday, March 6, 2015



  1. Wow, I completely destroyed my performance from last year. WTH? Last year (found here: I did round of 10, 12, and 3 pullups short of 14. LAST YEAR I DIDN'T DO CTB. This year, I did RX'd, and got all of the way through round of 20 reps, then 22 OHS and 14 CTBs. I have witnesses. I don't know... I did all OHS unbroken until the round of 22 where I went 15/7. That helped to knock those out of the way. Would have taken another 2 minutes to get those last 8 pullups in. I was done. So I guess my "score" is 226.

  2. By the way, once I get into the 3rd round (14 reps) ALL CTBs were singles. Just tried to stay steady with them. Round 1 was done in 45 seconds, round 2 in 1:04, so had lots of rest there early on.

  3. LOL. Delete, delete, delete!!! We were doing 1 round every 3 minutes. DOH!!!!! Neeeeeeever mind.

  4. I had issues on this last year. Shoulder, thoracic, and ankle mobility. 22 reps on this. I have been working on those issues all year. I went with the same weight as last year to see if I improved any - 65#s.
    This year I did 1 full round + 12 OHS + 10 C2B. Total of 62 reps. That is a 40 rep improvement. Very happy.

  5. I did the exact same thing last year Fletcher. This year I learned from my experience and did two sets of each per round.

    Dave nice improvement!

    I got 2 "full" rounds (10&12) plus 14 OHS + 9 CTB. I am guessing that my body will thank me appropriately tomorrow and the next day:) I kinda went into metabolic disarray after the second set of 12 OHS but I was able to gut out the CTB to get to the round of 14 where I must admit their was some serious stair at the ground time.


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